Author Topic: 13 month old... hates food  (Read 2074 times)

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Offline lizzib45

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13 month old... hates food
« on: September 02, 2011, 04:45:52 am »
Hi there!!! So my DS has sleeping and eating issues, so hopefully i can find some suggestions on this site.
So... DS he is on the smaller side, which is OK, pedi isnt concerned and me and DH are not big people. But he hates food. He would much rather be playing or running around the house than eating. He is better now with the high chair and will eat little bites but nothing to sustain him. Right now he gets three meals a day no snacks. We attempt people food first: pancakes, waffles, cheese, quesadillas, sandwiches, etc... He has a few bites and then starts feeding the dogs with it. So we follow that up with purees where he will eat 4-6 oz! So he is obviously hungry but not for "adult" food. I want him to like food and understand he needs to eat. He has horrible gag reflex so if he starts gagging, he pukes. I am at a loss and feeling like he is going to be 13 still eating purees. Any tips or thoughts?

Offline GKC

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Re: 13 month old... hates food
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2011, 08:53:06 am »
Hi there, dont worry my son was the same, he ate pureed food for longer than he should of apparently and i used to get worried and think the same as you, a friend suggested that whilst i continued to puree his food start leaving some small lumps in to get him used to a slightly different texture and gradually built up the ampount of lumpy foods you leave in, also my boy didnt snap but i started introducing snacks, when we would be out for walks i would give him some raisins or cut up grapes or organic baby crisps, the reason i did this when we were out for walks is because he was at his most relaxed then and i was too.
i know how you feel but one thing i will say, is dont worry he will eat solids and if he will grow out of the pureed foods, if you contniue to feed him pureed (with some lumps) you will become more ralaxed at meal times and so will he in turn the transition will come naturally. I'm definitely no expert but i know what you are feeling, hang in there and trust in baby x

Offline lizzib45

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Re: 13 month old... hates food
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2011, 03:17:31 am »
Thank you! He refuses stage 3 foods. He definitely hates the lumpy texture. He does fine with small bites of food but not even close to eating enough to sustain himself. I wonder (and hate to enough consider it ) but if I just fed him the adult food and didnt top him off with the purees if that would trigger his hunger and realize that if he ate enough adult food he would get full. I mean he great with cheese and pancakes. The most he has eating is 2 mini pancakes. Most times he eats only half of a mini one. He just hates to eat, its not important to him kinda thing.

Offline Lemonthyme

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Re: 13 month old... hates food
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2011, 05:23:45 am »
I found my son wouldn't have lumpy foods but would eat small pasta (and I don't mean really small either which was strange.  I started him on farfalline like this: )

I also found he would self feed to start off with better with tiny things than 'finger foods' so the pasta was good, also peas, sweetcorn etc. 

If you want to try some pasta recipes, these all still go down well with my 15 month old.  Perhaps puree the bolognaise before adding the pasta while he's still wary on texture.

How much milk is he having?
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

Offline lizzib45

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Re: 13 month old... hates food
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2011, 14:23:42 pm »
He is only drinking about 6-7 oz cows milk, he has a milk intolerance, so we are goiing to attempt a 2nd milk bottle in another month - he tends to get stopped up, no matter how much fruit he has. So he is still mainly on formula. With Milk and Formula he get 4 bottles during the day, waking, at 1st and 2nd naps then at bedtime. So total is about 20oz. This doesnt count if he wakes in the middle of the night as I am giving him a bottle if its after midnight. He actually seems to eat better being spoon fed. He will eat some bites of food but after a few minutes he gets bored and starts playing in his food. I will try that pasta and see where that gets us. He wont eat ground beef so we will try to puree it.

Offline Lemonthyme

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Re: 13 month old... hates food
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2011, 17:10:44 pm »
I don't think I have the knowledge to advise you really.  I was told by my health visitor to aim for 1 pint of milk a day after 1 year (including milk in yoghurt, cooking and cheese) but not to go for much more than that as it can reduce their appetite for other things.  As I said though I'm really not qualified. 
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

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Re: 13 month old... hates food
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2011, 17:27:33 pm »
I would think he's getting too much milk in a day and thats probably affecting his hunger for solids.  by 1YO most babies are down to 2 milk feeds am and bedtime so i would work on cutting the day time bottles. 

I wouldn't worry about him liking purees at this stage but would still continue to offer more adult food.  I would though not offer more adult food and then produce the puree when he refuses so he doesn't get used to refusing one meal and you producing another.  Its really important to be nice and relaxed with meals and just offer food and if he eats, great, if not, fine. 

My 11 month old's routine is like this at the minute:

8am  Wake up and BF
9am Breakfast (porridge and fruit puree, weetabix) or yogurt and fruit or  toast/pancakes
10.30am Snack  (rice cakes, raisins, toast fingers, bread and cream cheese, fruit), cheese,  or if we had toast for breakfast I'd offer cereal here

12.30 BF
1pm Lunch-still  tend to be a spoon feed but textured. 

3pm Snack and water  (same as above)

6pm Dinner (what we have)

7.30/8pm BF

So you could think about altering your routine a bit so that you offe some snacks of more adult food and keep spoon feeds for a few meals and do one main meal as adult food.  I'd think if you cut back on a milk feed in the day you would have more success with the solids. 

I was told by my health visitor to aim for 1 pint of milk a day after 1 year (including milk in yoghurt, cooking and cheese) but not to go for much more than that as it can reduce their appetite for other things.
I was told this too. 

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Re: 13 month old... hates food
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2011, 18:47:25 pm »
He wont eat ground beef so we will try to puree it.

If he is milk intolerant he may not tolerate beef either - the two often go hand in hand.

My little monkey won't eat lumpy foods either - it's got to be whole finger foods or stage 1 purees :( The HV told me that it's not uncommon for kids not to like mixed textures!

He'll improve as his digestive system matures and hopefully the gag reflex will become less sensitive too :)