Hi becky! Well yesterday I was very careful with A times and not to let her get tired. She only had short 45 min naps but I put her down at 6.45 in the evening and she stayed asleep till 9.30, at which point I fed her and put her back to sleep. But then she was up again at 12.15 and wouldn't resettle so I ended up feeding. Same thing happened at 2.30 and after feeding she remained awake for a good hour, just unsettled! Then because I was tired and feeling a bit unwell I put her in bed next to me and fed her to sleep and did the same when she woke up till morning!
She has started sucking her thumb and a couple of times has managed to settle herself with it, but not consistently. On the other hand she isn't really taking paci much so she's sort of in the transition between the two, and I wonder if this is unsettling her too? I don't want to have to feed her every time she wakes up though so I'm at a bit of a loss. Also, she used to always like sleeping on her tummy but now when I put her like that she just squirms and scrabbles at the matress! So I'm not too sure what to dp with her when she's ready for nap/sleep at the moment. Before it was paci, cuddle, lie on tummy and she'd drift off, but that's not working any more.
Today she's had a 1hr nap this morning one and 2hrs this afternoon and hopefully going to have another little one now (5pm)