My almost six month old (10 days shy) has nevery STTN (i.e. from 7-7). He has for a number of weeks been sleeping until 2-3 am from 7:30 bt (with a DF at 11). He is BF and on a 4 hr EASY. For the past month, when he wakes in the night, we hang back and he was often able to settle himself without us or we did a minimal amount of s/p and he fell back asleep. This allowed me to feed him only once in the night after the DF. He would then usually begin fussing and waking around 6 and I would get him up at 6:45 - 7:00 am.
Beginning 3 nights ago, he started waking every 1.5 - 2.5 hrs. He goes to bed around 7:30pm and wakes at 10:30pm, 1am, 3 am, 5 am and then seems ready to rise around 6am. He is also no longer soothing himself back to sleep. He cries instead escalate quite quickly and we have to settle him with a combo of PU/PD and sh/pat. I still give him a DF at 11pm and so try to hold off feeding him until 3 am (which is 4 hrs later). There have been a few evenings when he has gone 5+ hours without a feed so I know he can do it. I also know that a GS happens at six months.
Our EASY looks like this (typically):
E/A - 7 am
S - 9 am (normally 2 hrs and I often have to wake him)
E/A - 11 am
S - 1 pm (normally 2 hrs and I often have to wake him)
E - 3pm
A - 3 - 5 pm
S - we try for a catnap at 5ish. This doesn't always works. Sometimes he goes for 45 minutes. Other times he's fussy and wants to eat and then falls asleep on me for 30 mins or so. Sometimes there is no CN.
E - Cluster feed - I find he cluster feeds at 5 and 7pm. He has been doing this for about 2 weeks.
A - 6 - 7:30 (if he CNs, if he doesn't than it's from 3 - 7pm)
BT - 7:30 (with a nurse but he his normally put down sleepy awake)
DF - 11pm
Just wondering if anyone has ideas about why he is now NW so often.
1) Could it be the GS? I have noticed during the day he seems to want to take both breasts (this is new).
2) Also, what do you think that it means that I often have to wake him at 2 hrs from his naps?
3) Is there a link that talks about the 6month GS?
Thanks so much in advance!!!