Author Topic: 12 months lo and her milk feeds question  (Read 1090 times)

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12 months lo and her milk feeds question
« on: September 09, 2011, 13:11:11 pm »
hi all,

i have tried searching for a thread that lead to the same inquiry i have, but couldnt actually find any with similar inquiries.

my dd just turned 12 months this august, and i was wondering how many milk feeds should i give her.

she is on 3 meals and 2 simple snacks and 2 milk feeds and her routines looks something like:

6 am:  wake up and breast feed (most nights she wakes around 5 am, and i breast feed her and she goes back to sleep.. i want to get rid of this habit but im a bit scared)

7 am:  breakfast

9:30am: half an hour nap (i wake her up)

10:30 am: simple snack (fruits/veg.)

12:30 pm: lunch

2:00 pm: 1.5to 2 hr nap (let her sleep as much as she wants)

4.00 pm:  simple snack (fruits/veg.)

6.00 pm: dinner

7.00 pm: formula milk/ then bath/ then bedtime

7:45 pm: bedtime


1) does she need 2 milk feeds at this age? if so, when should it be reduced to 1 milk feed? which milk feed should be stopped before?
2) i need advice on how to stop my dd habit of waking up around 5 am to breast feed.
3) if i am not interested in giving my dd cow's milk and want to give her rice/almond milk instead, can i wait until she is 2 years old to do that? ??? ???

thank you guys for this amazing site.. it is a blessing to all of us young parents..

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Re: 12 months lo and her milk feeds question
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 17:11:51 pm »
My son is 16 months and I still offer two cups of milk.  He doesn't always take both but he will always have the morning one.  I don't see any reason to stop to be honest.  My 7 year old niece still has a morning and night cup of milk.  I still often have a cup of warm milk before bed and I'm 35(!)  I'd be guided by her.

Does she stand up when she wakes?  It might be worth just lying her back down again.  It might not work but I'm not sure there's an easy way to do it.  The problem is that breastmilk makes her sleepy whereas when you drop that she won't go to sleep as easily anyway.  Not that there's any big rush to drop it unless you want to.

Why don't you want to give cow's milk?  Personally I'd get doctor approval if you want to give something else or you can chose to give formula still as you already are (but formula is based on cow's milk anyway?)  Rice and almond milk I don't think contains as many nutrients?
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