Sorry Kara, I think I disagree with cutting back on the solids.
She's taking 11 or 12oz in milk from a bottle (excluding the night feed), there is likely another 3 or 4oz in the breakfast cereal (as it is made up from the remainder bottle that hasn't been taken) bringing day milk up to approx 16oz. The recommended daily requirement is 18 - 20oz so she is only a little under and this can be made up in dairy solids quite easily. Cheese sauce, yogurt (on it's own or mixed in a curry etc), custard, rice pudding, cream cheese on sandwiches or rice crackers etc.
Having a similar thing happening with DS (8 months taking 9oz per day) I was worried about offering too much cheese because of the salt level. I've looked into low sodium dairy foods. Ricotta and mascarpone are good options as they are low sodium, mascarpone is a bit of a pain as once opened it will only keep one day, ricotta though will keep three days. A dollop of that put into the solids (spinach and ricotta pasta?) or with fruit or on it's own would go a long way to making up the lost couple of ounces.
As this LO is 10 months she is approaching the point where solids are increasing and come 12 months we will be looking at max amounts of milk (rather than minimum amounts of milk) so that LO is encouraged to get a good amount of solids in. I think if LO has a good and improving relationship with solids at this point, cutting back could be detrimental to the long term food relationship. We can't expect our LOs to switch their milk/solids preference overnight at the age of one year, it should be natural and gradual.
Advice is that between 9 and 12 months to make up for slightly lower milk intake through dairy solids. of the reasons to ensure a good amount of milk (formula) is that it contains all the required vitamins. If the milk intake is near ok LO will be getting enough vitamins in the milk plus solids (I trust a good healthy variety are being offered and eaten as kirstym says solids intake is fine). If the milk drops substantially more and there is a question over vitamins then daily vit drops could be considered (but usually that would be substantially lower milk or a poor solids diet).
I am assuming here that LO's weight is good and following an even increase.
As for the large milk at night, I tend to think it was APed and now habitual and it is perhaps the only time when her tummy is empty enough to take that amount of milk. She really shouldn't need that milk so I agree to re-settle at NWs and there's a chance she will increase the day milk.