Author Topic: i really need all of your help.... nw at 12:30, 2:30 , 5:00 and stays awake.  (Read 876 times)

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Offline Lisacancun

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I have another post going for early morning wake ups but now the problem has gotten worse... and i need more advise,,, i hope people help me here, I am falling apart... a bit... so tired and just feel like a failure... why cant i get it right.
here is a more in depth look at her easy routine. She is 5 months old and has been on easy for a month. She used to eat every two hours.

Wake-up:  5:15 (she might be pooping because every morning at 7 when I take her out of her crib she has a soiled diaper)
E 715 (bf ten minutes rather plays)
A (1:45 but  she has been up since 515 so she is tired)
S 9-1045 (used to be an hour she started switching it for afternoon nap)

e 11 (pumped 6 to 8 ounces)
A 11 to 1
S 1 - 2 p.m. or 1-3 if 9 am nap was an hour

e 3 bf 10 minutes
A 2 hours
s 5 p.m. sometimes although now more than ever putting her down 30 -1 hour cat nap

A 615 bath, when putting p.js she starts to get agitated and tired and hungry.
630 to 645 bottle 8 ounces formula
7 sleep

1230 a.m. wakes
230 wakes
530 wakes
i feed her at all 3 nw because she just cries and cries if i don`t and since this is a new problem i am wondering if there is a underlying problem.. maybe she is truly hungry, uncomfortable, sick... this is the third day she is doing this.

does anyone think she may not be getting enough to eat. I am thinking of stopping to bf since I donīt know how much she is feeding and maybe with ff i will get a better idea if she is eating enough and be able to eliminate hunger as the problem.

Should I start solids?

Could she just be trying to comfort herself... since she cannot self soothe just yet. I thought it could be reflux since she had a problem when she was younger... but she doesnīt seem to be showing signs. during wind downs only she has started air suckling like she wants to suck something which she never did. could it be teething? doesnīt look or seem swollen. 

I may also comment that she does not use a pacifier.
Putting her down during day time naps and evenings has been great. Emma from bw forum helped me with that and I can finally put her in her crib semi awake and she falls right to sleep within minutes.

i just want to sleep a bit better in the night. I feel I have made lots if progress and am very happy with bw but now feel i am going backwards .... any advise pleeease.

Offline Lisacancun

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no props. my lo never took to the pacifier and still cant find her finger or thumb. I do leave a blanky in the bed when she goes down but she doesnt understand the assosiation just yet. She could be teething since she chews her finger but they dont seem swollen and i dont feel anything on the gums. I usually sing to her and rock her for about ten minutes and when she is almost asleep i put her in her crib. I tried putting her to bed half hour later and added a 5 p,m cluster feed and she has been waking up at 6 instead of 5 a.m  two daus ago she woke once with this new routine and yesterday evert two hours again. i will give it a few more days and see. any adviseplease.