Author Topic: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??  (Read 4433 times)

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Offline LettiesMum

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What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« on: September 14, 2011, 09:27:19 am »
Hello ladies

My DS is now 4.5 months and up until now I've been kind of winging it with regards to nap extension because DD only started school on Monday and also just his age didn't lend him to being a great napper.

I used BW with DD and she responded well to ssh pat and PUPD but then she was a crier. DS is the most chilled out little guy ever and even if he's OT he will very rarely cry and that's just who he is - cry for food and that's about it so I am lucky in that respect.

Now DD is in school I really want to crack getting him to have a good AM nap because realistically it's the one where I can get things done in and also DD has to be picked up at 2pm currently (it will move to 3pm next week).

He's never responded well to patting because we've never needed to do it and PUPD isn't really appropriate as he doesn't cry. I try W2S EVERY SINGLE DAY and nope, nothing. He cannot get past 45 mins so after a couple of attempts to resettle him I will bring him downstairs and AP the rest of his nap by cuddling him back to sleep and then popping him on the sofa but clearly that limits me as to what I can do around the house because I can't leave him.

Yesterday our day went like this

NF: 4.15am
W - 7.30
E - 8.00
S - 9.20
Woke after 40mins ish so AP'd nap until he woke naturally
W - 11.30
E - 12
S - 1pm (he was really fussy and was out for the count straight away, not sure why)
W - 1.45
S - 3
W - 3.45
E - 4pm
S - 5.30 - 6.15 (this is the only time it comes in handy!)
E & BT - 7pm

Again he went through until 4am ish and was up for the day at 7.35 - back down for nap at 9.20 and I woke him accidentally 30mins later , left him 15mins to see if he would resettle but just lay there, looking around then started chatting so I have cuddled him in and he went straight back to sleep on me and I've transferred him to the sofa.

I honestly don't know what to do next to try and get him to sleep for a decent length of time in his cot in the morning. I've accepted that after that point it will always be hit and miss depending on what we are doing in the afternoon and he does cope very well with short naps etc but sometimes he looks dog tired and I could cry for him because he really does try to go back to sleep but can't quite seem to do it.

He's got a black out blind in his room although it's not pitch black in there, we have white noise cds to block out any potential noises from the street. He has a dummy to go to sleep and often goes to sleep at night without it and doesn't tend to wake for it until he's seriously OT in the day.

W2S hasn't worked for him at all, I've tried at 30 mins, 35 mins and most minutes in between and I try every day but with no luck. My DP has some succes getting him to sleep again at the weekend but that can take almost 30-40 mins of resettling before he goes back to sleep.

Help, I'm stuck!
Scarlett born 27/11/07
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Offline LettiesMum

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 14:06:20 pm »
I've read it a couple of times before but not really noticed the 4am feed part (probably because he was waking at different times last time I read it!). I will try a df tonight to see if that makes him sttn.

My only query is that he sleeps for a goof stretch after his feed and does his usual amount of A time (which seems average for his age, 1hr50) so surely he can't be tired waking up?

Scarlett born 27/11/07
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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 15:09:26 pm »
It's possible - depending on any other NWs he has, that's the shortest stretch of sleep, more like a long nap after the 4-ish AM waking/feed. I'd definitely work on two fronts: getting rid of that 4AM feed and extending naps by getting him back to sleep if you can before he wakes fully. For us the trick to extending Josie's naps was to sneak the pacifier back into her mouth before she noticed it was gone and woke looking for it, and after a few days of that she became accustomed to sleeping thru that stirring.

Offline LettiesMum

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 16:12:09 pm »
I'll give it a go tonight...the dummy thing is an odd one because he often still has it in at wake up time anyway.

I'm going to have to find some way to get him back to sleep without cuddling him because currently that's the only way.

I'm just pleased he's not a crier and is.still happy even when he is clearly tired

Scarlett born 27/11/07
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Sonny born 02/05/11
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Offline LettiesMum

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 06:11:24 am »
Well that didn't go very well at all. I give him a dreamfeed at 10.15am and he took 5oz, then he woke at 3am, 5am and has been chatting away since half 5 and its now 7am.

So this'll really put me out for the rest of the day as he's going to need to nap in the middle of the school run whereas he's usually has it as soon as we get back. Grrr.
Scarlett born 27/11/07
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Offline deb

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2011, 10:19:15 am »
Oops!  :-\ These kids do keep us on our toes!

He might surprise you and pull a good nap or two though. Fingers crossed.  :-*

Offline LettiesMum

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2011, 15:05:12 pm »
No such luck...I think we are on our 4th nap today already. Although I'm APing this one when he hits 45mins to get him to 90 as otherwise he will have an earlier BT.

What do you think I should do next? I can't risk another night like last night, I'm pooped today.

Scarlett born 27/11/07
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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2011, 16:08:02 pm »
If he's in a stroller or car seat does he sleep through? Will he sleep ON you so that you can both get a longer nap? I found that Josie would happily sleep for up to 3 HOURS on her tummy on my tummy, and we'd both wake up refreshed, or I'd pop her in the stroller and walk for an hour to get her past that 45-minute thing.

Offline LettiesMum

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2011, 21:17:02 pm »
Unfortunately he won't sleep through 45mins in the car or pram, he always wakes up.

He will sleep in my arms but he still wakes up and I have to resettle him again.

I'm willing to give anything a go as its so restrictive at the moment :(
Scarlett born 27/11/07
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Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2011, 23:07:48 pm »
Some LOs are chronic short nappers and I swear there is a magic switch for a lot of them around 6 months when they start to nap longer. They are organising their day sleep and learning to transition between sleep cycles between 3-6months.

Can you repost your latest EASY (yesterday or today) and maybe there is something we can try to tweak. In the meantime I know it is tough (BTDT) but if you offer more naps then you will hopefully keep OT at bay :-*

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline LettiesMum

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2011, 08:59:19 am »
Hi Sara

He's so pleasant that Im dealing with it better than I did with DD but I would like to start to be able to get things done in more than 45mins now ha ha.


NF - 4.30
W - 8.10 (he did wake at half 6 for 15mins then babbled himself back to sleep).
E - 8.30
S - around 10.00 til 12.15 (first 45 in cot the rest on me then sofa)
E - 12.30
S - 2.30 (was late going down die to school run)
W - 3.30 (could only AP another 15mins due to older kids)
E - 4.30
S - 5 - 5.45
Bt - 6.30
NF - 3.00
W - not entirely sure as was dealing with dd and my little sister but around 7ish
E - 7.30
S - 9.20 (no choice as had a wet and windy school run to do) til 11.20 - again the first part was in cot then on me.
E - 11.30ish
S - 1.20 til 4
E - just after 4pm
Cn - 5.45 to 6.20 ( was at my mums so was later than usual )
Bt - 7 but took til almost 7.30 to go off.
NF - 3am
W - around 7ish after a quite unsettled night with a couple of dummy rubs which is unheard of for him as he's usually goes off without one.
S - 9 til 9.45 in cot and currently on me. Tried w2s as always but no luck

Any ideas? I'm confined to the sofa if not out to stop the ot monster!

We are abroad next week so I know its going to be tough as he's not used to going to sleep for a long time in his pram and sleeping in a room with me and dp.

Scarlett born 27/11/07
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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2011, 11:04:22 am »
Sometimes the APOP thing (Accidental Parenting On Purpose) is all you can do to get past the OT monster. *sigh* Once they aren't so OT (and aren't so worn out with all the APOP!) you can try the sleep training fresh.

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2011, 07:16:17 am »
(HUGS) It does look like even with these 45ers you are keeping some of that OT at bay, and considering, your days look okay! (I have been there and some days can be sooo messy!) Can you hold him for 20mins then put back down or does he wake?

Agree with Deb though, sometimes you just have to go with it. They DO grow out of it mostly. :-*


DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline LettiesMum

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Re: What to do when you simply can't break the 45 min barrier??
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2011, 09:18:08 am »
Thanks ladies. I'm keeping ot at bay but at the cost of being stuck to the sofa. I've tried putting him back in his cot but he always wakes up after a couple of minutes...he's always restless for the first half hr after his 45 mins and then he goes flat out and I end up having to wake him as he needs feeding and I have things to do.

Will he just one day start napping nicely and not wake after 45mins?;
Scarlett born 27/11/07
8lb 0.5oz

Sonny born 02/05/11
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