Author Topic: Need advice! 6 months preggo and stressing BIG TIME about 17 mo not eating!!!  (Read 1420 times)

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Offline maximbella

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Hi ladies!!  Can anyone please offer any suggestions or advice here...?  I'm kind of at my wits end and beyond stressing at this point!  My 17 month old (who is very small to begin with and can best described as spirited) has decided that she doesn't want to eat her meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) and she is now starting to fight her booster seat where she sits with us at the table.  We've tried everything - new plates, forks/spoons, new foods, etc.  She just takes a look and throws everything on the floor, at which point I immediately take her out of the chair.  She would love to be able to run around playing with her toys with me shoveling food in her mouth; however, I'm 6 months pregnant and can't really sustain that (not to mention, it's bad manners IMO).  She gets 2 small snacks a day and does just fine with those and also gets 16 ozs of milk/day.

Has anyone else been through this?  I'm stressing BIG time and feeling so guilty about it being preggo and all!  :'(


Offline Canwi

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My first reaction is to say that you need to stop following her around with food.  She will eat when she realises that you will ONLY offer food at the table and no-where else.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline Lemonthyme

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16oz is fine but if she's getting milk in yoghurt, cereal, cheese etc, you could perhaps cut a little back on that.

Do you eat with her?  Is it an option to have her at the table with you and let her out of the chair but not follow her if she doesn't want it? 
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

Offline Shiv52

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My first reaction is to say that you need to stop following her around with food.  She will eat when she realises that you will ONLY offer food at the table and no-where else
I agree with this. 

If you are feeding her on the go she won't be as hungry when it comes to meals at the table.  I would just offer meals and if she eats fine, if not that ok too.  Have you tried only giving her a little food and eating with her?  And not letting her straight down?  So say 'oh its lunch time we're sitting together and let her pick something off her plate?'  But getting her to stay in her seat for a while even if its while you eat?

Try and not feel guilty.  It is our job to provide a variety of food and set the scene for good meal times habits but we can't make them eat.

Any teeth causing issues?