Author Topic: wont eat dinner but waking early hungry  (Read 1725 times)

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wont eat dinner but waking early hungry
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:46:21 am »
every night Caleb gets up at the table, looks at his food and says "dont want" or "all done" pushes his plate away and gets down from the table. Im just about losing it because I barely have the energy and time to rush around cooking a meal and to have no one eat it just makes me want to cry. Im also worried because hes been so sick over thepast three months that Im trying to get some veges into him, he refuses fruit and only ever wants "cracka, moosli bar or crake (cake)" all these things are morning tea items but he wants them all the time, I dont give them to him all the time though.

So we get to dinner time and he wont eat... fine, dont eat, im not going to force him, but theres nothing else. quite often he will get down from the table, go straight to the pantry and say "crake" or some other ridiculous junk food, i will occasionally offer him an apple (the only fruit he will eat if hes going to eat any) but otherwise its no food. I do offer to reheat his dinner (because most of the meals he loves anyway, he usually devours them) and only a handful of times hes accepted.
The thing is that the next morning hes waking earlier (not alot earlier but my goodness i need every minute of sleep I can get right now!!) and wanting breakfast straight away, so the missing dinner is obviously not bothering him hungerwise at night, but come morning it is and its really starting to annoy me.
So wake up time and Levi is SCREAMING for his bottle and Caleb is DEMANDING his breakfast, Im nearly in tears by 10mins after waking!

So whats with the not eating? how do I get him to eat because its affecting his morning the next morning and also Im worried about him not getting his healthy food etc

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Re: wont eat dinner but waking early hungry
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 10:41:04 am »
For me this is when I would be thinking outside the square.
Do I need to do dinner earlier because he is tired (was the case with my DS2) & then a snack later. Would he be better with a hot meal middle of the day & sandwich at night. Could you put something like a Weetbix in a container & have him munch on a dry one first thing while the baby has a bottle... I think at 2.5yo my DS1 would eat a dry weetbix.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: wont eat dinner but waking early hungry
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2011, 10:55:20 am »
well he can get his own weetbix, pour the milk etc but he just wont and he doesnt like the dry weetbix. cant do hot meal at middle of the day, its just not possible with the way our days work however I tried earlier dinner, he still wasnt interested, a later dinner he took at least 3 bites of the meal before finishing which is a success compared to nothing but im talking 7pm!! I cant wait that late to eat, Im hungry at 5.30. Let me tell ya though, if its junk food for dinner, he eats it no matter what time it is!

Ive tried no afternoon snack but that didn't work because hes hungry and Im not gonna make him wait from lunch till dinnertime (besides the fact that the one day I did, he got the chair and got into the pantry and ate lollies, have since bought a lock for the pantry lol!) hes always asking for food so whats with not eating dinner?? Im making him all his favourite meals!!

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Re: wont eat dinner but waking early hungry
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2011, 11:13:12 am »
I have no experience but have you tried getting rid of the junk food from the house?  I know it's tough but if he gets it sometimes then he is perhaps wanting it all the time and he knows there's another option?

Also have you tried getting him to help with the cooking?  Longer term option as well but how about getting him to help you grow some food (even if it's just mustard or cress on the windowsill?)

Can you reheat a hot meal in the middle of the day?  Is it the problem of preparation time or access to a cooker?  Most nurseries I've looked at give a hot meal at lunchtime and then a smaller hot meal or sandwiches in the afternoon (at about 4pm-4:30pm) then some parents depending on age give a snack when they get home.  It's such a common routine it does make me wonder whether it's a routine a lot of kids like?

Or alternatively could you make your own food which looks like the junk but isn't junk?  I came up with a chicken nugget recipe the other day:

I've also got loads of sugar free baking recipes on there like sweet potato muffins etc.
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

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Re: wont eat dinner but waking early hungry
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2011, 00:34:11 am »
on days Nick has skipped dinner, we do a banana at bedtime/storytime to top off his blly
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007