My LO's typical schedule looked like this:
Wake 6:45ish
Nap 12:30-2:30/3pm
BT 7:30pm (asleep by 7:45ish)
**About 13 hours total sleep
But lately we seem to be dwindling that total sleep to 12.5 hours and have a cranky toddler. He has all 4 molars and could be working on the eye teeth but I don't want to just do Motrin on an inkling. I feel like we were doing Motrin for a month while the molars came through. The last 2 days his schedule has been:
Wake 6:10ish
Nap 12:30-2:30ish
BT 7:30 (asleep by 8pm)
**Definitely cut sleep out
I feel like things are going well for a few weeks and then something comes up. DS is also having night cries (1-2 times per night, nothing we need to go in for) but unusual for him. And when I got up to use the bathroom last night at 1:30am, I heard him talking in there (never had that before). So all in all, I feel like he's really struggling. When we do EBT we get EWUs. I'm scared to death of DST in about 5 weeks, we struggled with 5:30am WUs for soooo long. What can I do? Advice in the past is to pick the nap and bedtime and stick to them no matter what time DS wakes so that is the reason for 12:30pm nap and 7:30pm BT. Any thoughts or ideas to get later wake ups and more sleep, my little guy is clearly tired. We went apple picking yesterday and he has been sneezing and acting like he is coming down with a cold but it could be allergies.