I was having real troubles getting her to settle during the day - not for sleeping, she was fine with that and wasn't even NW through it... she just seemed unsettled and unhappy for any length of time - just not like her at all.
Other than that, I just had a feeling that this wasn't normal for her - she had never refused a bottle, always loved her solids... she started by just not wanting solids, but would have an extra bottle to replace the solids she skipped, then after a few days, she wasn't finishing her bottles... then she would arch her back and not want a bottle at all, but would be fine with a bit of convincing, but still wouldn't finish them...
At the start, she was taking 3 x 6.5 oz bottles and three solids meals plus 8.5 ozs at BT. It progressed so fast that she only took 1 oz when she woke in the morning and I had to fight with her and basically force feed her to get more than an ounce into her every few hours... the day she went to the ER, it was 2:30pm when I took her in and she had only had 3 ozs all day - from 3 different feeds, all forced.