Thanks for your replies....yes, common sense tells me we're not quite doing things the best way around here but its been so crazy as I also have a one month old and its been a little chaotic. I'm also so tired that I've been tending to take the easy way out (ie, offer something I know she'll eat when she refuses dinner, etc.)
Some comments and additional questions:
I agree that she'll never sit on a dining room chair, plus she's still way too small, so I was thinking of a booster seat so she can really sit at the table with us. She might be just as desperate to get out of that also, but we won't know until we try. As I write this she's eating breakfast in her high chair, happy as a clam. But I know that by the end of the day she just wants no part of it. Booster seat time??
So you're saying that I should offer multiple things in same meal? Some new and some I know she likes?? I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding, just want to make sure I get this right. For example, tonight DH and I were going to have chili and rice. Of course I want to offer this to her because you never know, right?? Every now and then she does surprise me so I don't want to assume she won't eat it, but I also want to be realistic. So I'll offer her some of the chili and rice, and then what? Offer some stuff she likes along side it? I feel like she'll eat that and ignore the new food. And if I wait to see if she eats her chili, and she doesn't, I'm back at square one. So what should I do here?
Yes, breakfast and lunch are not horrific but I have it in my head that she should be eating 3 meals a day, maybe not???
I also think part of our problem is this:
She has a snack before her nap, which is usually at noon, and then something additional to eat, a light lunch, after. We tried lunch before the nap, it was too early, and after the nap was too this is what we're doing right now. She usually eats upon waking anywhere from 1:30 - 2:30 and by the time 4:30 or 5 rolls around she'll cranky. DH and I assumed she was hungry as she was motioning towards the kitchen or fridge or pantry (she knows where the food is!) so we'd give her a snack to hold her off before dinner. I'm sure this is interfering with her the time dinner is in front of her she's had snacks to hold her off and is probably not hungry/interested in what's in front of her. I've tried to move dinner earlier but that doesn't seem to work either....So we need to avoid snack before dinner, I guess while I'm making dinner DH will have to distract her in other ways?? WDYT?
Thanks for all your help!