I think my 18 month old doesn't know how to chew. If i give him bread he sucks on it and then either swallows it without chewing, stores it in the roof of his mouth or spits it out once he has sucked the spread off it. He is also not that interested in eating so I am now trying to stop breastfeeding during the day as he would be more than happy to just breastfeed and only breastfeed. It has been a real struggle (kicking and screaming to get to my boobs) to try and not give him a feed between 9 am and 5 pm. He then has been making up for it at night but i am going to try and night wean him too. He won't take milk or expressed milk in a cup or bottle from me or anyone else. When i try giving him the expressed milk he spits it back at me and throws the bottle. The only fluids he will drink is water. He will eat cake and ice cream. Other food he will eat is mashed potatoe, wheatbix, creamed corn but spits the corn kernals out, pureed chicken. Won't eat fruit unless in cake or ice cream lol. So we have two problems - he doesn't want to eat as he is happy to breastfeed instead and that when i do get him to eat something he isn't chewing or munching into food. He is still on mashed food which by now he should be able to bite a piece of bread chew and swallow it. He has only just started to actually pick food up and put it in his mouth and to actually bite into a biscuit - but then he usually spits it out. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.