Hi Ladies,
I think I have it all wrong when it comes to my DS's eating. Was hoping to get some guidance on how I can get him to eat a better variety of foods. He will be 18 months old at the end of the month. Here are my questions:
- Should I not be giving him purees anymore? My ped said it's fine and I figured it was fine since he won't eat a *single* cut up fruit or vegetable. However, I've noticed on here that some people stopped giving purees a long time ago and I'm afraid that maybe it's my fault that he won't eat fruits and veggies that are cut up (or it any form other than puree or hidden) because I have been continuing the puree. I am able to get veggies into him in other ways -- breads, muffins, in his eggs, etc, but I would like him to eat them - at least one - on it's own!
-He eats the same dinner every night pretty much. A veggie puree and (healthy) chicken nuggets. He started to eat some pasta earlier in the week, but then rejected it yesterday so I don't know where we stand with that. He also tried meatballs and liked them, but won't eat them in his highchair, only for a snack. I know that I need to start giving him meals that we are eating, I just need to take the plunge. I know he'll eat when he's hungry, but I'm having such a hard time doing it. I guess the problem is that he doesn't really like many sides except for his puree. Someone else was posting about giving chili and rice separately so at least their LO would eat the rice, but I don't think mine would. If I give him something else that he likes along with the new meal, it would have to be a chicken nugget or a puree (unless I gave some kind of muffin or bread etc along with it) and giving him the nugget seems to defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to do. What do you think??
Here is what a typical day looks like here:
8am Breakfast - milk, fruit puree (either just fruit or fruit and oatmeal), eggs or pancakes or french toast -- eggs are always mixed with a veggie puree and pancakes and french toast are always mixed with fruit or veggie
10am Snack - he doesn't always have one because he eats so much at breakfast. If he does it's usually Cheerios -- if he hasn't eaten much of his breakfast, I'll give a muffin or some baked bread
1145am Lunch - is more like a snack. Usually yogurt, and sometimes a few bites of a sandwich
300/330pm Snack - peanut butter or sweet potato or avocado sandwich (quarter to a half), or muffin, or baked bread (the other day it was a few mini meatballs)
600pm Dinner - milk, chicken nuggets and puree
Any thoughts would be great!! Thanks!