I only tried for 45 minutes and no go. I had to get ready for work at that point. I tried everything from calming him while screaming, meds (which I realize take a while), then WI/WO. But he was persistent.
The nap yesterday was from 12-1.
Mon, Wed, Friday, she picks up a LO from pre-school at 11:30. So from 11:15-11:45 she is tied up. Tues and Thurs, she drops M off at 12:15, so figure she is tied up from 12-12:30.
Even with 2 naps, today was terrible. C slept from 9-9:3- and then 1-1:45. Unfortunately, I couldn't get him to bed until 6. So I am still going to try a dream med, because I can tell the teeth are at play. I do think that is why he woke this morning.
KM- I can tell you think I should still push. Is that what you are thinking?