Thanks ladies. Today was horrible. My sitter was going to put him down after the school run at 11:45 and she realized she didn't give him lunch. once she gave him lunch, he was way OT (wake up at 5) and didn't go down until 12:30. He woke at 1 screaming. She tried to get him back down without success. I tried when I got home for a CN at 3:30, but he wouldn't do that either. So even after aiming for a BT of 5 PM, he refused, since my dad and his GF were here. He screamed for 30 minutes. Tomorrow we will need 2 naps, since I am assuming we will get an OT EW and M has pre-school at 12:15.
So, to answer your question, I will have to offer 2 naps after this craziness.