Author Topic: 7 weeks old Baby refuse to finish his milk  (Read 1509 times)

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Offline pwinsass

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7 weeks old Baby refuse to finish his milk
« on: September 26, 2011, 02:48:05 am »
HI all,

This is my first time to post a question here for help!!! I come across baby whisper thru my causin in law and i have yet have the chance to get the book as im alone taking care of my Lo and have not much time to step out the door.

My baby is 7 weeks old now and he was on mix feeding, but most of the time we feed him using bottle, recently he has been very fussy and refuse to finish his milk . He was always on 100-110 ml on 3-4 hours interval, recently, he cant seems to finish his milk and he will get angry by turning his head away from bottle and start crying when he was about to finish his milk ( left bout 30ml-40 ml) he refuse to continue even after burp. We thot he was full and maybe having colic, but he continue to suckle on my breast and that stop him from crying, and when i replace it with bottle again, he start crying again. May i know what happen?

Also, he has been having dry cough more often than usual, maybe like 3 cough few times a day.. could tht be the reason?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 03:19:29 am by pwinsass »

Offline Lolly

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Re: 7 weeks old Baby refuse to finish his milk
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 13:19:08 pm »
What flow teat are you using? What are you putting in his bottles - is it breast milk or formula?  Does he show any signs of reflux?


Offline pwinsass

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Re: 7 weeks old Baby refuse to finish his milk
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2011, 08:00:07 am »
Hi Laura,

Thanks for your response, im using NUk flow 1 for EBM and flow 2 for Formula. im not sure if he got reflux as he is perfectly fine when he latch on but the moment we switch to bottle, he will then crying badly. even tho at time we manage to calm him down, he will only drink 10-20 ml. however he does drink voraciously especially on midnight feed when we give him formula, and there is a lot of swallowing milk sound.

Im getting very stress as my milk flow has drop and im worry he has not enuff milk if he only want to latch on. his daily intake has drop from 700 plus ml to only 300 plus ml.

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Re: 7 weeks old Baby refuse to finish his milk
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2011, 19:19:18 pm »
I'm getting a bit confused! Are you starting a feed by latching him onto your breast and then switching to a bottle? How long is he feeding from you for if that's what you are doing? If you are stopping a breastfeed and giving him a bottle he is probably getting upset because he prefers the breast over the bottle.

He is probably feeding better at night because he is sleepy and not so aware that he has a bottle, and maybe because he isn't getting quite enough in the day.

What is your plan - are you mixed feeding because that's what you want to do or because you feel you have a supply issue? The trouble with bottle feeding at this young age is that the more formula you give the less breast milk you will make. If you are happy to formula feed that's not a problem, if you can say what your aim is we can see what advice we can give so you and your baby are both happy with the feeds.


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Re: 7 weeks old Baby refuse to finish his milk
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2011, 19:46:43 pm »
Hi there,
 I agree with Lolly that maybe your LO just prefers the breast and is not very happy to have a bottle.
Is this a new thing or was he always like this?
How do you want to feed him? Do you want to BF or bottle feed or mix?
What's your LOs routine like at the moment? Is he sleeping well for naps and nightime? Is he satisfied after feeds and lasting between feeds?