Not sure what I am looking for here, maybe just help with sorting my head and coming up with a plan!
DS has always been quite picky and none of the "normal" advice holds up here....For instance from day one he ate food that I made, a variety beyond belief right form the baby months, colourful food, nothing processed, etc etc etc. He is involved in shopping, choosing, making, serving and so on - he could care less if he chose it, paid for it, carried it home, cracked it, whipped it, cooked it, flipped it and stuck it on the table - when it comes to tasting it he will just shrug and say "no thanks, I don't want to" or something similar.
What he does eat does not bother me and he is not really THAT limited in my opinion and he eats quite well and healthy. All fruits and most vegetables, meats, dairy, etc. So he is not picky in terms of limited eating but picky in terms of he likes what he likes and does not like what he does not.
So we have two problems.
One he will not try anything he has not seen before or that he has decided he does not like or that remotely looks like something he does not like. I have never really been too concerned about this in the past, but now at kindergarten they serve hot lunch and it is all stuff that DS either does not really know or stuff that he does not like. So he does not eat. AT ALL. He is crying starving when I pick him up, and I pick him up right after lunch at 1230 instead of waiting for the day to finish at 2pm, because I can't leave him there starving. They do a morning snack at about 10am but he eats half of a crispbread (ie/ ryevita) for instance and that is it. I do feed him when he comes home but it really messes about with our dinner...(which is problem 2). The kindergarten teachers will not sit with him and encourage him to eat or anything like that - lunch is served and the kids just have to sit there and if he does not want it my DS just dumps it in the waste bucket. And they give dessert no matter what the kids have or have not eaten so sometimes I will pick him up and they will say "well it was fish and rice today and he ate nothing, but he did have 3 bowls of jello for dessert...."

But I really really really NEED him to start eating things, and I don't know how to go about it. We had this great plan for me to go back to work in early October once DS was settled in school but I have not even made any steps towards it (and am potentially losing my chance!!) because I just can not comprehend how on earth I am expected to leave a 3yo at school from 8am - 5pm with *nothing* to eat?!
Second problem....come dinner time he is either tired and won't eat, or too full from filling up at 2pm, or whatever other emotion or excuse there happens to be

and dinner time is getting out of control. We have always allowed a car or two at the table and I have no problem with this. But what is happening is that I am so desperate for him to eat that we pander to him and I end up feeding him while DH plays cars with him.

Or if it is not me feeding him I still have to say "stop and take a bite" and often get the food on his fork or put his fork in his hand and stab the food and make him put it up to his mouth. So he has a LOT of assistance and attention and whatnot with eating. Which he will never get at kindergarten so I am sure it is some of the problem there. But if he does NOT get it at home then he ends up not eating. Which means no lunch, no dinner pretty much every day, which I can't do!
I don't go for the idea of 'this is meal time and if you don't eat that is it' for either lunch or dinner, such as saying that when I pick him up from kindergarten there is a small snack but nothing else until dinner and/or leaving him to it at dinner time and nothing but a small bedtime snack later on ... but can't see any way through it otherwise. We have been trying a slow-and-steady approach but it is going SO slow and we are getting NOWHERE with it. I don't even know how to isolate which problem to deal with first anymore and how to push on with it. Any ideas?