Author Topic: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old  (Read 1638 times)

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Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« on: September 28, 2011, 17:03:54 pm »
Aiden is 23 months old, whcih I know is around the time when kids can go a bit wonky with sleep anyways, but for the past 5 weeks or so he;s been driving me crazy.
It's a combination of having issues going to bed, NWs and EWs... and DH and I have been working for these past 5 weeks to set things right.  I don't even really know where to start to explain what's going on.  We have a very consistent routine. 
6pm- clean up toys
6:10ish- bath
6:25- out of the bath, brush teeth, jammies, etc.
6:35ish- three stories of his choosing
6:50ish- lights out, nightlight on, song, into bed
He has an issue staying in his bed.  It was so bad 5 weeks ago that for the first time ever we actually crawled into his toddler bed and stayed with him until he fell asleep.  After a few nights of htis we moved to sitting at the side of the bed, then onto a stool and started moving away fromt he bed.  We're at the point where we are sitting outside of the room on the stool so I know that's progress but he still will get up at least a few times and scream.  He pops back out of bed the moment we lay him back down.  DH, who does BT, started leaving the room and closing the door when he did this and gogin back in a fter about 40 seconds or so and then putting him into bed all over again.  It eventually works but I am concerend now that he thinks a closed door is a punishment...
We leave the door open a crack- started doing that over hte summer for air circulation- but that obviously means taht he can get out of his rooma nd come to ours during the night.  DH takes him bak to his roo, puts him back into bed and sits on the stool again as well.  Aiden will do at least 1 NW per night and never at the same time.
We're also getting EWs.  He's always been an early riser- around 6am- but now it's anywhere between 4:45 and 5:20am.  Trying to put him back to bed at this time of morning doesn't work as he's too awake.  We tried W2S for 4 days but didn't see any difference. 
He does 1 nap per day from about 12:30-2pm.  I really feel like he's OT these days and melts down easier than he used to.  It also doens't help that he's been working on his 2 year molars for a month and he has a brand new 3 week old sister. 
One thought I had was to actually move his BT ealier (it used to be 6:30 about 3 months ago or so) and maybe get a gate to put across his door to keep him in his room but so that the door could stay open?  I would love to get a gro clock but have no idea where to get one in Canada. 
Any help/fresh eyes would be appreciated!

Offline mickey44

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 17:36:45 pm »
Just tagging along.  I have a post of my own "Teething or Routine Change".  Our issues sound similar so I just wanted to see what the lovely ladies had to say about your issue!

Offline Erin M

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 02:02:48 am »
Dd1 was 19 months old when dd2 was born and her sleep fell apart completely.  Multi hour nws every night for weeks and early wakings too.  We spent a lot of time sleeping on her floor, it was the only thing that worked.  For us, time and consistency were the fix.  Earlier naps some days to compensate for all the OT and earlier bts as well.  Not all that helpful, but wanted to share that you're not alone!

Offline Roseii

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 05:20:59 am »
Hi there, is he napping in the day? And how long for?
Can you put a gate on his door? And how about amazon for a gro clock? That's where I got mine but I'm in the uk...(I do know Canadians with them though-Wendy has one if you wanted to pm her)
Are you physically putting him back in bed? Xx
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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 05:27:26 am »
It also doens't help that he's been working on his 2 year molars for a month and he has a brand new 3 week old sister.

These are both probably bigger issues than you think! Our two are also close to 2yrs apart. Perhaps try medicating for the teeth at bedtime and possibly even midway through the night (7 or 8 hours later) for several days in row to see if it helps?  I'd also suggest trying to have some extra-special mommy time away from the new baby (and don't talk about her). When our second was new, I did everything possible to make sure it was me who tucked DS1 in and it really helped. The more I was able to fill his mommy-cup (as a bonus this forced Dad to bond with baby more too!) the lower his stress (and therefore better sleep if you can break the cycle.). It's so important for them to really get that you are not "trading in" at all!

Anyways, just two cents. Mostly, just hugs - it is tough, especially at first. They are both lucky to have such a lovin' mama!!

Offline Whatbit

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2011, 20:33:46 pm »
Thanks for the ideas guys.  Trying some stuff out to see how it goes.

Offline lokloktang

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2011, 01:18:13 am »
Pumping up... Same problem here, my DD is fighting sleep (takes >1 hr of battling to sleep) and I am expecting in 3 days....

Offline Whatbit

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2011, 10:43:27 am »
I hear your pain!  We just ordered a Groclock for Aiden for his birthday and I'm hoping that will help with the EWs.  We have also noticed that the calmer and gentler we are with putting him back into bed that we are, the better he responds...  Cutting his naps by 15 minutes also has made a bit of a difference (or it might all be in my head!!!) so he's doing 1 hr 15 min instead of 1.5 hrs.

Offline gilly37

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2011, 06:11:47 am »
Hi Whatbit, just wondered how you're getting on now with the EWs and NWs? My girl is 21 months and we're going through a similar scenario, without the new baby though!! We also got a gro clock but it was only first night of using it last night and obviously no miracles as yet haha, in fact if anything it was worse last night, we had 3 NWs and a wakeup time of 5... zzzzz!!!!

Offline Whatbit

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Re: Driving me crazy- NWs & EWs with 23 month old
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2011, 17:06:30 pm »
Day 3 of the Groclock and he's loving it- like you said, not a miracle though.  At 2 he gets it and loves to see the sun come out.  We also set the alarm on it.  we're still getting EWs but now we can at least tell him he needs to stay in bed until the sun comes out and he's been ok about it- some screaming but each time he's stayed in his room (once with DH just hanging out and waiting, but whatever).  Going to bed has gotten better too.  7 weeks of GW and being consistent.  Blech- what a long haul!!!  We're actually back at an earlier BT of 6:45 (asleep if possible) and back to 1.5 hrs of naps.  I think he was stuck in a really bad OT cycle for about a month during that 7 weeks of issues that made thibgs so much worse!!!  NWs are down to 1 every few nights and easier. 
Good luck, Gilly.  I know it's so frustrating:(  What are you doing for the NWs?  Are they consistent?  Maybe W2S would help your EWs?  We tried but since he was all over the place it wasn't helpful...