Hi all,
We have a lovely 11.5 month old DD, who naps well and sttn. Technically not an early waker, as she sleeps from 6.30pm! However, nobody likes to start the day that early, and she hardly ever wakes up happy at that time of the morning but absolutely refuses to stay asleep.
She's woken at this time since she was about 7 months old, and though we don't start our day til 6am, I wake as soon as I hear her and am consequently shattered.
I've tried everything to either get her to sleep longer or to shift the whole day forward, but nothing works. I'm pretty sure she's also now in 2-1 transition, has just started nursery 3 days a week (but doing well), is getting her first few teeth, and starting to walk - she's saved it all up for the week before I go back to work!!!!
Just wondered if anyone has any ideas, or is in the same boat?