Please talk to me about dark circles under the eyes. It was suggested to me that they are related to food allergy/sensitivity. Ds1 has recently gotten very bad dark circles and most recently a new rash has developed on his tummy, up and around his neck and some spots on his face.

We have not introduced any new foods recently. His mood is great, although he is sleeping a bit more then normal the past couple of days.
Some important points:
Over 2 months ago we discovered Ds1 has a cows milk sensitivity. He's been doing great off of cows milk and has seemed to be fine with fermented dairy (such as cheese and yogurt), and he will occationally drink goats milk.
Our whole family has been following the GAPS diet - basically no dairy (unless fermented), no grains, nothing with added sugar. Included in this diet are all meats, fruits, vegs, oils, cheese and yogurt, legumes ect.
I've noticed Ds1 can not digest legumes, even if fermented (they just pass right through) - so I've kept those out of his foods.
He's still breastfed. He gets 8oz around nap time and nurses before bed.
He's on a high quality infant probiotic by Klaire labs which he gets once a day.
I'm stumped. This diet is supposed to be healing his gut and helping to eliminate any allergies/intolerences, yet he seems to be having a reaction to something.
Any thoughts? What should I do