Author Topic: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?  (Read 1304 times)

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Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« on: September 30, 2011, 15:37:21 pm »
M still eats every 3 hours and she is 4 months tomorrow. I remember H did not get onto a 4 hour EASY until he started solids but he did get to 3.5. M just seems hungry after 3 hours and even if I stretch by 15 mins she gets upset. Sometimes we manage 3.5 if she does a good nap but usually she eats after 3. Is this ok? I am wondering if this is how she will be until solids. Should i be trying to push them out by walking her around more before or something. She has 5 day feeds of about 7oz and a df and for the last week she has not had a nf.

What do you think?

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Re: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 18:20:22 pm »
There is that ominous GS at 4 months too to remember :)  Alexandra was at 4 hour feeds around 4.5 months... but still did have the odd day that she would be hungry after 3 hours...

Offline grace annes mommy

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Re: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 23:55:50 pm »
My DD was the same. Had a lot of trouble stretching her even a few mins. past 3 hrs.  But she also never took big 8oz bottles.  Always did more like 4 to 6 oz even as an older baby, not sure if that was reflux related or just her style.  But, personally, i think if she's getting the ozs, gaining, and is happy and well on a 3 hr easy, then I wouldn't worry. 

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Re: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2011, 20:35:21 pm »
My little one is 4.5 months and still needs feeding at least every 3 hours, he very much feeds like a much younger baby, only having 5 ounce bottles at the most!  But he is nearly 17lbs, a big baby, and his weight is increasing normally so nothing to worry about, just a bit of an inconvenience bless him.  I think all babies just do their own thing, so as long as your little one's weight is increasing nicely then it's nothing to worry about about.

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Re: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2011, 20:38:14 pm »
We are not much past 3 hourly feeds either - no idea how much he is taking, but he is miserable if I try to stretch him any further so I am trying to roll with it for the time being. We have just started solids, though, so that might make a difference - will let you know!

Offline melhod79

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Re: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2011, 02:21:35 am »
Every 3 hours is quite okay. My LO ate every 3-4 hours up to about 8 months. Now hes still getting a bottle every 4-5 hours and he is 1 y/o.  I might suggest putting a little rice cereal in his bottle, not a lot just a small amount to give some substance.  i wouldnt push trying to stretch it until they are ready, they know what they need. Dont feel like its bad or they are eating too much. Good Luck.

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Re: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2011, 07:01:06 am »
melhod79 - just a word of caution, UK advice is never to add anything to a baby's bottle because it is a choking hazard. Rice cereal in bottles doesn't thicken evenly and can cause clumps, cereals should only be given on a spoon. If feeds need thickening, there are non-food thickeners available which are intended for that job and should be used under the guidance of a Dr.


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Re: Is it weird/not advisable for 4 month old to eat every 3 hours?
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2011, 18:19:25 pm »
Same advice re: cereal in the bottle in Canada and the USA.