Things have gone massively backwards with solids here

DS was never great at them, but now he's refusing almost everything and is getting thinner

All the finger foods he used to eat, including turkey and tuna, now get thrown straight to the floor. He will nibble at things if I hold them for him, but most of the time he spits out the pieces. He'll have a tiny amount of rice cracker that he holds but most of it he spits back out. He will eat raisins, but they just go straight through him judging by the nappies so no nutritional benefit there

Spoon feeding is a battle. He cries and cries and pushes the spoon away. Then he'll take a little. Then cries and pushes the spoon away again. Then take a little. Then the spitting starts... Anything with even a bit of texture he doesn't want. He
was eating mashed potato, mashed sweet potato, and scrambled eggs. Now it's all instantly refused.
He is happy to drink water from his sippy (in preference to eating), and is having
most of his milk (from bottles) although he's drinking less than he used to. He will happily suck down the contents of a stage 1 fruit / veg pouch from the pouch, but not if it's spoon fed. His nappies are back to runny again (teething and too much fruit puree).
I tried finely grating some cooked turkey and mixed it with mashed sweet potato, but he wouldn't have it. I can only get milk into him for protein at the moment.
Is this all down to teething? He's only got 1 molar and 4 canines left to cut, and he's teething almost constantly as his teeth come in so rapidly. He's got very little energy and is sleeping a lot.
I don't know what to do anymore

HVs around here are useless and the GPs not much better.. and nobody knows how to deal with an MPI baby anyway, not even the ped

DH says just keep giving him the fruit pouches as at least he's getting something, but I think it's not a good idea as it's giving him diarrhea which means he's not absorbing it anyway

Something's wrong and I don't know what to do