Thanks Sianie. We have tried giveing meds before sleep and it didn't seem to help. He just seems to have changed so much. Towards the end of his story he will start to ask for cuddles and won't set his glo clock anymore. It like he doesn't want to accept the cues for sleep. When I do WI/WO, when I go back in, he is happy and tells me to sit down and wants patting. he will then start to laugh. I don't think he does have pain, I think he is aware of the situation and is being manipulative. If daddy goes in, he normally tells him to leave!
With WI/WO, when you go back in, how long should you spend in the room? Do you wait until they are settled again? The minute I go in he will settle, then as soon as I turn to leave he starts to scream mummy again.
I really don't know what has caused this, but really hate to see him like this as he was always so good at sleeping. I do think he is probably getting overtired as he is not falling asleep until 8.30/9.00 instead of 7.30 ish and he is having some nigh wakings again.
really don't know what to do with him :-(