Just m@rking my spot because I'm horrified at all you've had to deal with with this school and it reminds me SOOOOO much of the 1st daycare centre I sent my ds and dd too when we moved here. I was told that fruit would be provided by the centre for m.tea so on our first day, I didn't send in any m.tea in his lunch box because i was under the impression that all the kids share fruit. Well it was 1 apple and 1 orange cut up on a plate (FOR 24 kids to share! WTF!) and it was offered but not really encouraged, so the kids were going into there lunch box for chocolate biscuits, chips (crisps!) roll ups (sticky "fruit" things that stick in your teeth and are full of sugar) etc.
Well I stared at the content of these kids lunch boxes and said to the the group leader - ummm I thought they were having fruit for m.tea so I didn't send anything and wth is with all these snacks?! And she just said "altho we encourage healthy eating, we have no control over what parents send in."
Well, I went to my car and cried! Rang my dh and said these kids are not staying at this daycare. They did end up staying there for about 2 months until I could get them into a better daycare but I am SOOOOOO 10000000% happy that we switched daycares. I could not leave my child there any longer than I had to. No way. Me being upset was not good for our family. I am so happy with our decision to switch. Now they go to a daycare with a chef!!!

They have fruit and crackers and beautiful veggie soups and casseroles and pasta all made onsite by the chef. Yep it costs a little more but so worth it. Happy mum = happy kids!