DS is 16.5mo and only started sttn at 9mo (with some PU/PD help) anyhow he's never been very consistent and wakes for the usual things like teething, milestones and so on.
We've had a pretty bad run with holidays, illness, DH being away (a lot) changes in his child care arrangements and so on. Needless to say we now have at least one NF every night. Well I say feed, it's more a snack, he'll be done in 5-10 minutes and back down!
Well I want/ need it to stop now! With DD getting up at 6 and her occasional NW issues I'm totally exhausted. I want to be winding the breast feeding back now not adding more feeds!
The issue is how to do it? He's truly strong willed and doesn't like/ understand refusal. He's not easily distracted and today actually head butted the floor in a fury!
I've just spent 1hr 45 refusing him a feed before I snapped and gave in! He fed for 5 minutes tops!!! There's no way he was hungry as he ate a HUGE dinner!
I know I shouldn't have given in but my job is sleep critical and I don't have the energy to fight all night! Plus he only woke at 10pm
His day today went like this:
0620 wake up (noisy sister)
0645 bf
0830 breakfast
1000 snack
1200 lunch
1300-1500 S (he got woken up)
1600 snack (not eaten)
1730 huge dinner
1910 BF
1945 Sleep
2200 BW
2345 bf
2355 asleep
Any help/ tips would be appreciated.