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DF question
« on: October 09, 2011, 08:50:59 am »
Ive been trying the dreamfeed off and on since Levi was born and had no good results, then I tried it again about three weeks ago and it was great! he would feed at 10pm and wake around 3-4am for antoher feed and then not again till morning. this lasted about 2 weeks and then he started waking earlier, at around 2.30am, then the next night it was earlier at 2am and then again at 5.30am, then teh next night he woke earlier at 1.30am and again at 5.30ish and so on and so on until last night he woke at 12.50am and again at 5.50am for another feed.

I dont think hes in a growth spurt but I could be wrong, should I continue with the DF? it was working so well before, what changed? its a real pain to feed him at 5.30am knowing it takes about 20/30mins and then put him back to bed for only another 20-30mins before I have to get him up for the day, or he may not even go back to sleep!

Offline *Becky*

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Re: DF question
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2011, 16:43:27 pm »
Hi Jo,
I would carry on with the DF. We went through the same when M was Levi's age and for us it did turn out to be a GS and after it she went back to feeding at 10.30pm, then 1 NF around 4-5am and then till morning.

Now we are at the point where she is STTN from the DF which is great BUT are in the same situation as you where she is not getting to 6.30am but waking around 5.30-6am and even if i feed her it is hard to get her back to sleep before morning time. Quite frustrating!

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Offline *Jo*

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Re: DF question
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2011, 18:53:47 pm »
Hi Becky, well he ended up waking at 10.30 for a feed anyway so I fed him and he slept till 3.30am!!! yahoo! I was so pleased, however he then woke up at 5.30am.....

I had tried for 30mins to burp him at the 3.30am feed but he wouldnt burp so he had wind that woke him up at 5.30am and of course he wouldnt go back to sleep after that. SO frustrating, I knew that would happen thats why I tried so hard to burp him but nothing came up.

I will stick to the DF but perhaps shift it to 10.30 instead of 10 as before, its just so late by the time I go to bed already that 11pm is too late! i never go to bed that late usually (well before Levi came along I didnt anyway) and I cant go to sleep beforehand cos Im doing all my jobs after the boys go to bed and that takes me till 9.30 so theres no point in falling asleep for half an hour or so cos thats just teasing my body lol and makes me want to skip the DF altogether lol!