Ty is going to be 2 in November and has never been a great eater. At the moment we are down to basially feeding him what I know he will eat. He does like fruit, so he has alot of grapes, satsumas and blueberries and also the innocent smoothies. But his list of food he will eat is very limited to basically any potato product like waffles, letters, cubes etc (he does eat the carrot and potato waffles), then things like fish fingers (omega 3 ones), turkey dinosaurs, pizza, sausage etc. In nursery they also feed him what they know he likes. He still has his milk in a bottle (would love to know how to drop this one, have tried the picking his own one out and now we have loads which he still wont drink from).
As he naps at a weird time (from 11.30) normally for 2 hours, I have no idea what to do for lunch. He has dry cereal for breakfast cheerios or shreddies, then a snack around 10 of fruit and a biscuit. But then he has milk before his sleep (have to also stop this), then when he wakes he's not hungry until around 3.30 when he has lunch, which he rarely eats, then dinner is as late as 6.30 which he will usually eat.
I have no idea what to do, am in abit of a muddle and would love for him to eat properly, drink milk from sippy. Any ideas

Sorry its abit rambly.