Author Topic: 2 yr old waking and hyper for 2 hours at night  (Read 1572 times)

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2 yr old waking and hyper for 2 hours at night
« on: October 11, 2011, 03:09:36 am »
For the last 2.5 weeks, my 2 yr old son has been going through this phase where he is waking up between 2-3 a.m. and he is up for about 2 hours.  He is happy when he wakes up.  He talks and plays around in his crib.  He is getting 2 year molars so I tried Motrin for 4-5 nights.  He STTN the first two nights but then woke up as usual the next few nights so I stopped the Motrin.  He doesn't act as if he is in pain when he wakes.  He doesn't even call for me really.  He just talks and talks and talks.  Sometimes he does get really really LOUD and worked up.  Like I said, not upset just hyper.  It's hard to ignore him and it really seems like once he wakes up, he can't wind himself down.  I have tried going in there when I hear him being really loud to tell him, "It's night time, go to sleep."  I have also tried helping him get back to sleep by rocking while he lays on my chest.  I usually only do that when it is getting close to 5 a.m.  I just don't want a 2 yr old that started his day at 3-4 a.m.  So if I can help him sleep a little more than it is worth it.  He is already super cranky and short fused due to his wake ups.  

This whole thing is really hard on me and him.  We are both so so tired.  I don't understand why he is fighting sleep yet he needs it so much.  

FWIW, he does go to sleep independently in the beginning of the night.  We do books and quiet time, a snuggle and a song then bed at 8:00.  If he STTN, he is up at 6:30.  If he gets up during the night for awhile he is up for the day around 7:30 sometimes later.  He naps from 12:30 until 3.  I wake him at 3 so he doesn't have too much trouble going to bed at 8.  

Me (34) & DH (35)
DDog, Jordan 9/4/03

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Re: 2 yr old waking and hyper for 2 hours at night
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 03:20:03 am »
Well it's always a bit of a pickle when the night wakings are so long, because then they are so tired during the day, but I'd try cutting the daytime nap even more and see if that helps.
Sounds like under-tired to me!