Well this week's been a disaster! Every night has been different - his best night he was up every 3 hours for a feed and his worst was last night when he was up every hour from 10:30 and awake between 3:30 and 4:30 singing away in his cot next to me, I'm like a zombie today!!! To be fair, his daytime routine has been all over the place with us being away. His daytime naps have been very broken what with being out and about and having to share a house with his 2 yr old cousin as well as his 4 yr old sister! I'm going to try really hard to get straight back to a 3.5 hour EASY tomorrow, give him a week to settle into and then if still no improvement in his night sleeping will have to take action (no idea what though) or else I'm going to lose the plot completely!!!