My 15month old has had some wobbly sleep lately- mainly I think due to molars possibly coming causing an OT/UT loop (all worked out with the help of this forum - thank you!!).
She's got back on track the past few days and her day is back to normal and looks like this:
Wake - 6.40
Nap 11.45 for 2.5-3hrs
Bed 7.30
Two days in a row this week she's had to be woken from naps at 3hours. Following that, yesterday she only napped 2 hours and was v tired at bedtime and went down at 7.05. I checked on her before I went to bed and pulled her blanket back over her legs. This never normally bothers her but she woke and stayed awake from 10.45pm -1.20 am (2hrs 35!) !!!! Now, I do think she was teething a bit yesterday and when I went in to pull her blanket over her, her breathing sounded as though she wasn't in as deep a sleep as normal. During the NW she didn't cry an awful lot, just seemed awake and every time she tried to nod off, she kept suddenly waking again (so, yes, I think teeth).
So teething has probably been at the root of most of the sleep wobbles but to check I'm not making things more difficult for myself, my real question is this - is 3 hours too long for a nap at her age? Should I cut them back a little, even just to 2hr 45? (She doesn't always sleep this long, sometimes just 2hr20) I'm hoping you say no as I do like my 3 hour break! I just don't want to be potentially causing UT build-ups. Anybody else's little one nap that long??