We had a couple of really bad days and nights, she was so miserable and hardly slept at all. It has settled down but the top right molar isnt quite through yet and her canines arent through yet either. But shes obviously much more comfortable. But now shes got a tickly cough (from the snotty nose from the teething) which has caused A LOT of sleep disturbance for all of us. Last night was better though and we all managed a bit more sleep.
We have managed to not rock her too much and she hasnt forgotten how to self settle. In the night I had to hold her because she was getting so upset because she couldnt sleep due to her coughing every 10 seconds.
I want to get back on track asap, shes better today and hasnt coughed much this morning or when we put her down for her nap so Im hoping its on its way out. Unless something else crops up Im hoping that she'll self settle soon!