Author Topic: 3-2 nap transition and solids.  (Read 1205 times)

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Offline tlee81

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3-2 nap transition and solids.
« on: October 14, 2011, 14:10:30 pm »
We started solids about a month ago. DD just turned 6 months. We are also a week into the 3-2 nap transition. I'm getting confused about when to feed DD now. Here was our schedule one 3 naps:

7: wake and eat 5oz.
8: solids and 2oz. Formula
9-10:30: nap 1
10:30: wake
11: 7oz.
12:30: solids
1-2: nap 2
2: wake
3: 7oz.
4: solids
4:30-5: nap 3
5-6:30: wake

No dreamfeed or night feeds.

Now, our schedule has been looking for like this:

7: wake 5oz.
8: solids, 2oz. Formula
9/9:15-10:30/10:45: nap 1
10:30: wake
11: 6oz.
12/12:30: solids
1-3:15: nap 2
3:15 6oz.
6:30: 7oz.
7: bed.

Here's my question. I have been waking her from nap 2 so she can have that 3:09 bottle. I would like her to eventually even out her wake times and shift her nap times for her wake times are even, but then naps will run into her feedings. How do I work around this? Should I just play around with her feedings and just feed when she wakes instead of having that A time before the feed and after the nap? What would an established 2 nap schedule look like with feedings and solids?

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Re: 3-2 nap transition and solids.
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2011, 15:07:34 pm »
Once you move to two naps the 4 hour EASY for milk feeds sort of lengthens out a bit, as after four hours LO is probably asleep! At about 7 months our EASY was starting to look something like this (with E being milk feed):

6.30: Wake up

E: 6.30
A: 6.30 - 9.30 (breakfast at 7.45)
S: 9.30 - 11

E: 11
A: 11 - 2.15 (lunch around 12 - 12.30)
S: 2.15 - 3.45/4.00

E: 3.45/4.00
A: 3.45/4.00 - 7 (dinner around 5.30)
S: Bed at 7.

I know some people give a milk feed before the afternoon nap, but my LO has never seemed to have any trouble doing 4.5 - 5 hours between feeds since she's been on two feeds.
