TIredness an issue for you guys?
Yeah and that brings me to another point. He's clearly a high sleep needs kid that never got enough sleep. Not that that would be a surprise or anything. Today he was up at 6:30, nap from 12:30 - 2:30 and was dead by 7. I mean he lost his mind seven ways from Sunday about a variety of things tonight that blew me away. HOW is he so tired? I don't get it. He's getting some of the best sleep of his life and he's still so so exhausted. Should I take him to a doc?
Anyway, I digress.
He had juice for dinner simply because it's the only way I can get the Omega supplement into him. It's a liquid that's supposed to be 'berry good' and it tastes gross (I tried it). So now I lace apple juice with it and give it to him that way. So he had a cup of juice and a multivitamin...and then I sent my kid to bed. Sheesh.
He gets lots of raw veg and dip. He eats yogurt in the morning at home (we add probiotics) and at her place so I limit it after that. Fruit - he gets a ton with her too but I also do give him some at home if he's looking for something. Soup - he isn't keen. I tried on the weekend and he said 'no like this' lol I made creamy tomato soup and even added some greek yogurt to it. It was delicious if you ask me...
Sandwiches are typically Marmite (of course!) or PB or I will sometimes make him cinnamon toast - all on flax bread. He gets cream cheese with her. In fact he gets a lot of cheese with her. I found a bread with no sugar, no additives and it's whole grain...that catch is that it lasts about 2 days and then it molds

Meals we make are usually chicken or a meat (beef, pork roast) with potatoes and/or veg (peas, broccoli with cheese which he will scarf down...if he's hungry). I find myself giving him less (or sometimes no) snack on the weekend so he'll eat the meals...is that wrong? Most meals have a meat and a veg. We don't do a lot of starch, he gets rice and stuff with her there too.
Fish - DH will do salmon or fish fingers. He's the only fish eater in the house and it has to be specific.
We don't really do pasta either. I have done recently but again, I made it and he sat down, lasted two seconds at the table and asked to get down.
I notice that he just eats less and less and so much food is getting wasted. Going to cut back the portions.
I do know that he eats well at her place and a large amount. It's fine. I just feel like we ought to be doing our bit with feeding our kid and having family meals...but it's mostly while he's watching his bedtime show that he's 'snacking' and then going to bed and DH wants to cut that out.