Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 8
« Reply #435 on: Today at 12:39:58 AM »
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Hi There,
Just wondering anyone's LO has stopped eating when teething. DD has not eating for 2 full days other than few bites of rice rusks. The total oz of the day is barely 7. She wakes up few times during the night but then put herself back sleep fine. Last night she was very hungry at 4am and downed 7oz.
It has been 3 days like Tracy mentioned. The tooth is visible under the gum (top right tooth) but not yet through... She also sleeps like crazy in the day. 2 naps of 3 and 3.5hr. I feel like I am back to the newborn days.
Should I worry about her food intake and the disrupted sleep? She always sleep through the night before this. When she was cutting her bottom 2 teeth at 5 months, she did not exhibit anything like this time. This time, she is so dosy all the time and really is not the angel baby I know of.
I hope to hear moms who had similar experiences and would like to know that it will all go back to normal...