My son is almost 5 months old and is just not interested in eating until it is time for a nap. He is very active and just wants to play when he is awake. Our attempts at staying on an EASY routine is BLOWN! I have given up trying and need HELP! To give you a little history, my son was diagnosed with MPSI about a month ago and reflux about 7 weeks ago. We did get him on medication and on a formula he tolerates now. He was 16lbs 7oz a week ago which is double his birth weight already. He is in daycare for 4hrs two days a week so any attempts at EASY is blown for sure on those days because he comes home tired and hungry so he eats and goes down for a nap within 1hr of being home. I am just so frustrated because I have read that it is not good to feed to sleep. He always feeds to sleep at bedtime so why is it so bad during the day? This is how my evening yesterday, night, and morning has gone so far.
6:45-7:30pm bath, bottle, bed
4:00am bottle and was up until 5:15 playing in crib!
7:00am up for the day; attempted to feed, but refused
8:15-8:45am attempted to feed and only took 3oz
9:15 down for nap after taking 1/2oz. I tried not to feed him, but he just cried like he was hungry, but then only took 1/2oz.
10am awake again
How do I get back on track? He even acts like he doesn't want to eat every 4hrs anymore. When he does eat, he never takes more than 4 oz during the day. He takes 6oz at bedtime and night feeding. Total is about 26-28oz a day.