Happy 8 months Sophia!! Hamish ate HEAPS whule we were away- ate like a crazy man!! our friends were both impressed and confused... and thought i was crazy.. but still! A new favourite is the salmon spinach potato cakes from lemonthyme's blog.. smashed them down!!
A word of warning ladies- if in doubt check their mouths!! Hamish was eating kiwi fruit wedges today, and i usually keep the skin on as it's ledd slippery- he usually just gums away at it and leaves the skin. This morning he had a wedge and the whole thing ent in- was going to fish it out but next minute he coughed, and opened his mouth and it was gone! So i thought the whole thing had gone down. Then later this morning he was REALLY fussy, but his teeth have been playing up- and we were packing to leave for home so i thoguht he was just grumpy.. nex thing i pick him up and am about to give him some neurofen for the teeth- when i notice the kiwifruit skin from half a hour ago bobbing around!! I fished it out no probs.. but phew!! Lucky!!
now- if you guys could give some thoughts on the amounts i'm offerring... so we do 2 meals a day- breakfast and dinner- and breakfast is usually 1 weetbix with a smidgen of milk (loves it), about 2-3 tablespoons of natural greek style yoghurt, 1 prune, sometimes in the yoghurt, and some fruit.. so half an orange, or 2 slices of watermelon... something like that.... dinner is usually some meat- like a meat ball or rissole, or something... some vegetable... and some rice or toast or something. Sometimes a couple of slices of cheese. I make sure that it;s all low or no salt and sugar...
Sound right?