My 3 year old has always been a good sleeper. STTN since 4 months, napped 2 hours a day. First he started taking forever to get to sleep. Kept coming out of room to use bathroom. Sometimes i'm sure it was well intentioned, other times i think he was milking it a bit. Then, he started waking up earlier and earlier. So we thought it might be time to stop his naps. Figured they were cutting into is night time sleep. So since we've cut the nap, he is going to bed a lot more easily. But now that he's realized he can get out of bed, he's doing it more and more often in the middle of the night and early morning. Most of the time he says he has to go to the bathroom. Although he makes up other reasons as well. He's been potty trained for 7 months, still wears pull-ups at night. Is it time for him to figure out how to go potty by himself at night? Maybe put the potty in his room? I'm just wondering what others have done to keep their LO.'s in their room. I mean, if he was just occasionally getting up to go potty and then back to his room, that would be totally great. But getting up at 3:00, 5:00, 6:00.... Is getting tiring. I've got a baby as well. He has a clock in his room, and seems to understand the concept of staying in his room until 7. Sometimes he does it. What about reward charts?