Hi Everyone,
This is not my 1st post about DS eating habits

. He used to eat anything and everything and has gone through fussy phases in the past but this one has lasted weeks now.
So far I have given him a plate with small portions of everything. Foods that he likes and new things. When his favourites are gone I don't top up, I just leave him with the other things he hasn't tried yet. I give him the vegetables and new food several times as I heard it can take many times before LO's will try them I have had limited success

. I leave him for around 20 minutes with the plate but if he doesn't eat enough then he'll have cereal or something else healthy. He adores all fruit so he gets plenty vitamins that way. I tried not offering anything else but he then gets hungry at BT and it interrupted his routine.
So my question is this: Rather than the above (which is what child nutritionalists recommend) I have heard it can only take a week if you give them the foods they have liked in the past but now refuse, leave it some time and then if they don't eat it the meal's over. Has anyone done this and had success

And if so how do you deal with hunger intefering with nap and BT

DS is teething his 2nd year molars but I don't think it is totally to blame this time as it's been weeks.
I fear I may be too soft to get through it

Thanks for reading.x.
PS. One fo my best friends did the above with her 2 children and they will eat anything now. They are 15 and 11. They never had any type of baby food, just always ate what the family ate.