So yesterday's schedule looked like this...
E 7.15,
A 3hr30
S 10.30 ( nurse to sleep) 45 mins
A 3hr (Ate some veggies/snacks during)
E 2.15
S 45 mins
A 1hr30
E 4.30
S 45 mins
A 2 hrs (Veggies and cereal during)
E 7.15
Bed at 7.30, slept 45 mins, husband pu/pd, slept 2 hrs, pu/pd, 2 hrs pu/pd, 3.5 hrs, pu/pd, feed at 7, back to sleep, still sleeping now at 8.15.
I am trying to change around the eating to not be right before bed, I am slowly introducing more solids to try and help with this. As PU/PD was working last night I will try with naps today - is it worth doing this after the 45 min mark or not? I've tried soothing him, his pacifier is usually still in, and he seems so awake. It was taking between 20-30 mins of pu/pd each time. I was all for feeding him at the 4.30am wake up, but DH refused and persevered. What do you think?
Tay, I think this started around 14/15 weeks - does this seem late for reflux to start? Thank you for the link, we started towards it yesterday, but by the afternoon he struggles. We will keep trying today.
Thank you for your support!!!