My DS is 4 months old. He is breastfed one side only for each feed (5-10min during the day and 10-20 min for last feed, DF, and NF). He's been on the EASY for about 4 weeks. His naps are 30min-2 hours long. He needs help to extend his naps past the 45 min mark 99% of the time. We usually get at least one long nap a day. We are technically on the 4 hour EASY, but the intervals get a little shorter as the day goes on because he can't last. He does not have a lovey. He currently loves to grab and chew/suck on all napkins, blankets, etc. He used to use a pacifier, but now spits them out.
Here's a typical day:
S-10am (45min-2hrs) depending on whether we're able to get him to keep sleeping after his jolt
S-1:45 (45min-2hrs) again it depends on whether we're able to get him to keep sleeping after his jolt
S-5pm (45-2hrs) if he hasn't gotten 2 long naps, we will try to extend his nap here
S-8pm or earlier, depending on how sleepy he looks
DF-10:30-11:30pm and one night waking between 3-6am.
We discovered the BW because he was not sleeping enough, only about 12 hours a day. Since being on the EASY, he now sleeps 14-15 hours a day.
He was always a great night sleeper, so we've been focused on getting more day time sleep. We were using props such as holding, rocking, nursing to get him to sleep, so we used PU/PD and continue to do so when he continues to cry with sh/pat.
Our sleep routine is to go into the room with the lights off, read a book, swaddle, I'll hum a song while holding him in my lap, then I put him in his crib, then sh/pat until he's asleep. Sometimes he'll cry/whine enough that we'll PU once/twice, but we try not to.
My concern is with his night time sleep. In the very first week of BW, once he was asleep at night, he did not need help to stay asleep until his night wake. Then the following week, he started waking up crying 45-60min after he first goes to sleep. It was fairly easy to help him get back to sleep with some sh/pat. But this week, he will calm with sh/pat and almost fall asleep then start crying again. He sometimes cries so hard that we have to PU. He has been doing this for over 2 hours now. It is now past the time I was going to DF him. What's happening? Is he over tired? under tired? Should I go ahead and feed him since it's been 4+ hours since he last ate? I have noticed that he has been sucking on his hands/fingers A LOT more than before, but will not take a pacifier. Is he teething? We are also in the middle of packing to move. Please help!!