Author Topic: Need some advice! 10.5 month old keeps waking up twice thru the night  (Read 1073 times)

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I have to admit that I am guilty of accidental parenting with my second child. My first, DS who is now 3, was an excellent sleeper at this age. However with DD who is now 10.5 months, I still haven't managed to train her to sleep thru the night. Sometime she does it and most of the time, I am walking into her bedroom to pick her up at least twice in one night. I am still nursing her but have begun to wean her. I only nurse her at bedtime and 'sometimes' before naptimes. Yes, I know that it is the worse than to do and that is probably why she has never learned to sleep on her own but I am ready to finally start training her since I wasted so much time and am now paying for it. 

I guess the reason why I am on here is because I need some support and advice on where to start with my 10.5 month old? With our first child, we did the sleep training at around 4 months so he was an independent sleeper at a younger age. But with DD, who is a little more stubborn, I am a little more nervous. I tried p/up p/down with her but I think it just es her off because she screams bloody murder.  :-\

Should I begin by putting her to bed when she is awake? Or wait until she is really drowsy and almost asleep? And when she wakes up and sits up in her crib crying, should I pick her up or just let cry until she is tired again? I am just curious as to what works best...

Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions!
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Offline mmom

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Re: Need some advice! 10.5 month old keeps waking up twice thru the night
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 21:37:12 pm »
((HUGS)) Can you post what a typical day looks like in EAS format?

This age can be really tricky in terms of sleep, since some LOs are starting the 2-1.

I would definitely work on getting independent sleep.  Your LO is used to BFing to sleep?  Then you might start with a bit of gentle removal and PD.  Scroll down for an older baby.

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Re: Need some advice! 10.5 month old keeps waking up twice thru the night
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 01:31:50 am »
Thanks for replying Kara! I didn't even think about the 2-1 switch and that she might be ready for it! One would think that since I just went thru this with my first just 2 years ago, I would remember, but nope!  ::) I am a mess. lol.
Okay here is our typical day:

E - 8 or 8:30
A - 9-10:30 or 11
S - 11a

E - 12:30
A - 1p
S - 4p

E - 5:30
A - 6p play then bath
S - 8:30p bedtime

Nightwakings are Twice usually around 3am and again around 5am (varies slightly)...sometimes there is only one night waking

Also yes, she is used to BFing to sleep which I have been trying to stop by gentle removal and PD. I think my problem is that I am not consistent. But thanks for the link you posted because I definitely need to read it again and try the methods.
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Re: Need some advice! 10.5 month old keeps waking up twice thru the night
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 01:50:04 am »
this sounds exactly like my boy - he will be one soon. He gets up and eats at 6:15, and is in bed by around 7, but otherwise his NW are the same - 3 and 5. He is weaned, but I give him a bottle and he drinks it - all 10 oz. I think he just isn't getting enough food in the day since he refuses to eat anything he can't pick up and put in his mouth by himself. Higs and good luck with your LO!

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Offline mmom

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Re: Need some advice! 10.5 month old keeps waking up twice thru the night
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2011, 20:12:54 pm »
I think that last long nap is interfering with night sleep.   I would definitely cap that nap a bit.  Your last A is only 3 hours and I really think it needs to be longer.  I would start with capping it at 1 hour and see if that helps.

Consistency is key with all sleep training. ;)

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Re: Need some advice! 10.5 month old keeps waking up twice thru the night
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 16:50:19 pm »
Thanks zeri. It could be that she needs more calories during the day. Sometimes she does well with eating solids and other days she doesn't care for it. But I usually try and give her more milk if I notice she didn't take enough solids in. I'll have to try different things.

Thanks again mmom. I will start to extend the last A time by shortening the last nap. But even if her A time is 3 hours she always looks so tired by the time bedtime comes around, which is why I get confused about how long her A time should be. But I will try your suggestions because something has got to give. :)
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