Author Topic: How to make Nutramigen AA (hypoallergenic) formula palatable ton1 y. o.?  (Read 4876 times)

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DS is having dairy allergy and is suspected of soya alergy so we got prescribed Nutramigen AA. he is still breastfeeding but I am going to work soon. How can I make this formula taste nice? He was ok tastewise having  porridge with soya milk or oat milk, but not this new formula. The soya gave him bad wind and eczema and calcium fortified oat milk is still not a good breast or cow milk replacement, hence Nutramigen AA. He did not even touch it today (1st try).

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Re: How to make Nutramigen AA (hypoallergenic) formula palatable ton1 y. o.?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 00:18:03 am »
Many {{{hugs}}}

We were exactly there with E at almost 13 months. Not sure where in the world you are, but I called the company for Nesquick and asked the ingredient composition for strawberry :-[  a lot of sugar but nothing in the dairy, soy, egg or nut family is in it. Not the greatest way, but it worked. I loaded it up and made it pretty pink. Then I warmed the bottle quite warm and stripped myself down to a tank top, and E to her diaper for lots of nice cuddles. At first I had to use some soy in it too if I remember correctly, but I think what really helped was having it really sweet and really warm.

Not the most nutritionally sound way, but I had called Neocate for some trial flavour packets and it was going to be a week before I could get them. By the time I got them, she was doing well on the Nutramigen with the strawberry Nesquick. I weaned that stuff out quickly and highly recommend weaning any flavour out quick. Now she drinks the stuff cold and loves it. The other thing I did was picked up a protein shaker that 'muscle men' use for the gym. Mine has a ball in it that helps mix the Nutramigen up really well. I find it doesn't mix well at all, especially with warm water.

I hope this helps. Many {{{hugs}}} for your struggles and props for bf'ing so long. Well done!
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: How to make Nutramigen AA (hypoallergenic) formula palatable ton1 y. o.?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2011, 13:56:58 pm »
Many thanks, Vicky! I'll vive this a try! Esp. The shaker thing! maybe some sugar?

Offline my3girlsjde

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Re: How to make Nutramigen AA (hypoallergenic) formula palatable ton1 y. o.?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 15:31:52 pm »
I've heard sugar can help as well as maple syrup. Neither worked here and that's why I moved to Nesquick. I hope sugar works for you because I did feel quite guilty for doing it :-[ 
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: How to make Nutramigen AA (hypoallergenic) formula palatable ton1 y. o.?
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 16:17:29 pm »
My dd was MSPI and at 1 year was having fortified rice milk, not a great replacement to breastmilk but after 1 year she was getting most of her nutrients from real food. I am glad you are not giving soy formula anymore, there is a lot of talk about it not being good for boys in particular as it can effect the hormones, not sure how much truth there is in it but really  not worth the risk IMO. At 3 months old my dd refused that Nutramigen and I went to taste it and couldn't do it without retching myself so it is understandable that he doesn't want to drink it  :-X BTW we were told to give calcium supplements to dd by the time she was a year old.

Offline katyusha

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Re: How to make Nutramigen AA (hypoallergenic) formula palatable ton1 y. o.?
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 22:17:14 pm »
Thanks everyone! We are persevering. He is not eatinig all of his porridge with this stuff, but he has taken some so I view it as progress. Katt, totally agree, I felt like vomiting after trying his porridge with it, really gross, both sour and saulty and fatty at the same time. I weighed DS today and he has lost some weight since the end of August and dropped a centile. Been told not to give him any nut butters in case of nut allergies and to hold off on honey so have to add olive oil to all foods and persevere with this formula. I think maybe I'll use sugar or maple syrop instead of honey as Vicky suggested.

Offline skatty

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Re: How to make Nutramigen AA (hypoallergenic) formula palatable ton1 y. o.?
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 09:31:14 am »
Maybe agave syrup would be allowed, it is really sweet but natural like honey  :)