I am just wondering if maybe it is time to phase out the DF... he only needs so many ounces of formula in a 24 hour time frame... maybe he would increase his daily intake if you drop the DF?
A couple ways to try it...
1. cold turkey - pros: he may just sleep through the night right away; Cons: he may NW to eat and then you have to wean that.
2. Dilute DF - you reduce the formula by an ounce and replace it with water, increasing the amount of water/reducing formula until you are offering water only. A lot of mom's use this method but I find that baby still gets that full feeling even with the water and may start to need it as a prop..
My fav way to wean any feed -
3. reduce volume - keep doing DF, just offer an ounce less every 3 nights until he stops waking for it. He should shift the ounces to day feeds.
As for him waking for the DF - give it when he wakes... he could just be weaning it himself by moving it closer to his last feed before bed