I have posted a few times with various issues but I found this board so will try to get everything down this time.
My DS has always had short naps and was/is a snacker. For the first couple of month he had 2ounces (60ml) every 2 hours. Since finding BW a few things have improved for us but I'd like an easier life now please
2 weeks ago I started to do sleep training, before this I often fed and rocked him to sleep as he would scream blue murder and I couldn't handle it at all, I used to end up in tears myself! So the sleep training is not too bad, I am putting him down sleepy and most of the time he is falling asleep within half an hour. I am staying with him - is this right at the beginning of sleep training? He has a dummy only when tired but once he is asleep he very rarely wants it back. He does seem to have an addiction to my hand though, I used to stroke his face when he was tiny and now he grabs my hand (holds my fingers SO tightly) and pulls it over his face, so I think my hand has become a prop, is this an easy one to get rid of?
Next problem is he has never had a routine and I can't get him on EASY, his naps are usually 40 mins, occasionally he'll sleep longer but it's so unpredictable, I can only extend a nap once in a while, most of the time I give up after 15 mins or so, should I be trying for longer? He doesn't cry, he just looks around and chatters away!
His feeds are small for his age, usually between 3 and 5 ounces (90-150ml), although I always make bigger bottles as occasionally he will take 7 ounces (200ml)! Because of his small feeds he has never slept through the night, he always needs to be fed. I spent one night just settling him every time he woke in the hope that it wasn't hunger but I really believe it is hunger. It used to be 3 times per night, then 2 and now most of the time it is just once. He usually wakes between 1.30 and 4 so it's not a habitual waking as the time moves around.
So, he goes to sleep for the night at around 6-6.30pm (early!), I've tried to change this but it messed him up for 3 weeks where his bedtime was anytime between 5 and 9pm! And eventually he reset himself back to 6-6.30pm. I do a dreamfeed at 10.30 but he used to wake around 11-12 anyway, so he is often stirring at this time so I hardly see it as a DF. Also for the last couple of weeks he is waking between 9 and 10 so I have to feed him early! Any advice on this? So after the DF he usually has one night feed and then wakes for the day at 5am!! He is not hungry at this time and is often awake a couple of hours before he's hungry. So now I've decided I will feed him at 7am even if he hasn't cried for it to try to 'condition' him, which will also be good for the future if he ever sleeps longer!
What I would really like is (1)For him to take longer naps (2)To be able to put himself to sleep without me there and (3)To sleep longer in the morning, which means a later bedtime.
Sorry this is so long. I will post this then start typing another one with out EAS schedule ( which mostly isn't EAS!) from the last few days.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.