Thanks a lot for your reply!
I've been to the reflux board, I'm doing everything I can to ease his reflux. Actually I started sleep training, because it is getting milder now and he seems not to be in pain from it. And when I see he's not comfortable, I still AP some of his naps...
As for pat/shh, now that I read some stories on the board, I see that I was a bit hasty with it, so I'm determined to give it a go for a few weeks and see what happens. Our routine goes like this, more or less...
E- 8 am
A- 8-9.45 am
S- 9.45-10.30 (he will actually go down anywhere between 9.30-10.00, so sometimes wakes at 11.00 if I can extend it
E-11.00 am
A-11 - 12.45ish (less, if he wakes 10.30ish, he goes down 12.30ish)
S- 12.45- 13.30ish
E- 14.00ish (if he's not hungry earlier)
A- until 15.30ish
S- 15.30- 16.15ish
E- 17.00
A- until 18.15ish
S- 18.15-18.45ish
E- 19.00
A- until 20.00 (includes bathtime and bedtime routine)
S- 20.00ish (DF at 23.00 and NF 5.00)
This is an ideal day, usually I strive for this, but sometimes it goes off if he sleeps longer in the morning. We just had a GS the last couple of days, where he ate more frequently...