Author Topic: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk  (Read 1875 times)

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Offline cath~

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1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« on: October 27, 2011, 08:51:38 am »
I wondered how much milk does your 1 yo actually drink?

I heard that they need a pint of milk/day but that this can come from other dairy besides milk.

Does anyone know how much milk 25 g (say) of yoghurt or cheese is equivalent to? 

I'm just wondering if my DD is getting enough because she is drinking less and less milk by the day at the moment.. Nowhere near a pint!  She is 13 months.  She eats her solids really well and is great weight so I'm not too concerned, but I just wondered how much cheese + yoghurt I should give her to make sure she gets enough dairy now.

She has a bf in the morning (where she seems to be gradually taking less and less and it doesn't appear to be a huge feed), some cows milk (maybe 80mls ish) with her weetabix/readybrek for breakfast, some yoghurt for desert at lunchtime and, quite often but probably not every day, some cheese with one of her meals.  Quite often (3 times/week ish) she'll have rice pudding for desert at dinnertime which is nice and milky and sometimes there is a bit of milk in other things I cook her (e.g. fish pie).  About 30mins-1hr after dinner, just before her bath, I offer her cows milk from a cup but she's not really that interested in it (yesterday she had about 80 mls at most I think).

Writing it all down like that it sounds like quite a lot of dairy now so I'm not too concerned about the milk she drinks.

Is anyone else's LO cutting down on their milk?  Should I keep offering her milk after dinner/before bed or not bother if she's not interested in it?
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

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Re: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 02:03:37 am »
Hi there, bumping this for you...I honestly can't recall how much milk F was drinking then, but I think it was pretty much limited to his bedtime bottle.  We dropped his lunch bottle at 12 mths...and then he only had the bedtime bottle until 18 mths I think.  We moved to a bedtime sippy...and then it became us trying to get him to drink we stopped pushing him to drink and that was it.

Now at 2.5 he doesn't drink a lot of milk...but he loves cheese and yogurt and I'm not at all worried about his intake.  We don't actually need milk in our diet as long as we're getting adequate calcium.  Most milk is fortified with vit D as well so doesn't hurt to add a supplement for D.

When you say pint do you mean UK pint glass?  Not a US pint right?

This is actually a good breakdown of why milk isn't that important:

The tweaking never stops!

Offline cath~

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Re: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2011, 19:19:26 pm »
Hi Wendy

Thanks for the reply and the link. It's not straightforward is it..?!

I'm reassured that she's most likely having sufficient dairy in her diet though, despite not drinking all that much milk.  I guess I'll just follow her lead.  I suspect it won't be long before I don't bother offering her millk before bedtime any more.  She has a bit but really isn't all that interested in it at all.

Didn't realise there was a difference between UK and US pints - sorry for confusion. Yes, I meant UK pint.  That's about 450 ml I think.

Thanks again,
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline Lemonthyme

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Re: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2011, 15:48:52 pm »
To be honest, I think my son was having around that at your daughter's age.  He has times when he has more and downs a cup (approx 180ml) in the morning.  You might just have the situation I think I had where the morning breastfeed was the best.  I dropped them the other way round and he self weaned, I think due to supply issues because I dropped his best feed.  So she could easily be getting that much.  With everything else she has in the day, I'm sure she's fine.

If you're worried, here's a handy milky pudding recipe, it has 1 tsp of sugar per portion which isn't that dissimilar to a yoghurt:

And these muffins have loads of dairy in them:
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Offline cath~

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Re: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2011, 12:37:09 pm »
Thanks Lemonthyme

At what age did you stop offering milk in the evening?  L barely had 1 oz yesterday.
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

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Re: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2011, 21:21:01 pm »
I still offer.  Some days it's a few mls, some days it's the full cup.  I think it depends how much he's eaten during the day.  I don't think it matters too much.  I still offer and I figure I'll keep on offering until he can communicate well enough to say he doesn't want it when I ask (we're not there yet - I tend to read to him with it in reach for him, sometimes he drinks it, sometimes he doesn't.)
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Offline cath~

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Re: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 08:33:30 am »
Yesterday (with DH) she had almost the whole cup!  First time in ages.  So I think you're right and I'll keep offering it until she tells me 'no'.  We also read books while she drinks it (or not!).
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline Lemonthyme

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Re: 1 yo getting less and less interested in drinking milk
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2011, 10:59:19 am »
Strange isn't it?  Last night my son had the whole cup too but then he'd been a bit of a fusspot at lunchtime.  I also find he will have a full cup on nursery days.   I think he gets slightly less food there.
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families