First of all welcome to BW
Secondly, your LO is very young still, I would say too young to be on a real EASY, sure using EASY as a pattern and as a guide on how you want to continue but remember your LO is only 3 weeks old, getting used to being out in the big wide world and getting into his own little pattern. I would go with the flow to some extent, and try to have EASY in the back of your mind when feeding/A times etc. Things can be quite erratic in those first 6 weeks!!!!
White noise, shh/patting and cuddles are all good to help him sleep at this age. Cuddles/rocking can become a prop, but not this early on I don't believe.
Your LO could well be suffering from a bit of gas, did this start when you put him onto formula? As nutrition for your LO it is different to breast milk in that it takes longer to digest etc. You may find your LOs tum is getting used to digesting the different food. Do you feel the gas is upsetting your LO?
I am going to ask if someone can take a look at your BF schedule being 4hrs + through the night. This seems too long for a 3/4 week old.
My last q is at 6 am I still want him groggy so I can nap until his next feed at 9. How do you suggest i handle this feeding?
IM sorry I dont follow you here? What do you mean by groggy? TBH a lot of LOs are up for the day between 5.30-7 at this age esp if they are down for the night at 7ish.