Author Topic: help EASY with 8 mo. and P/S not working  (Read 648 times)

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Offline Jennie_Lee

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help EASY with 8 mo. and P/S not working
« on: October 28, 2011, 19:08:39 pm »
I have an 8 month and 1 week old and we try to do the P/S to get him to sleep but he still fights us. We have been doing the P/S for about 2 months now and I am pretty sure that somewhere they said after a while the P/S would train him to fall asleep on his own. I feel like he is tired all the time. It takes us 20 minutes of P/S and screaming to get him to fall asleep and for his naps he is right back up after an average of 40 minutes. If you try to put him back down after the initial nap he fights you. I am not sure what to do to get him to take longer naps.

Here is our typical schedule

5:00am wakes - change diaper and p/s back to sleep (sometimes feed him 4 oz. after fighting with him for 20-30minutes)
6:30-7:00 wakes up -
9:00 - 6 oz bottle
9:30-10:15ish wakes back up  
10:30-11:00 breakfast fruit and cereal & 6 oz bottle
1:30-2:00 back down for a nap until 2:45ish
3:00 6 oz bottle and sometime solids
   - He gets very tired in the afternoon
5:30 dinner (vegetable & rice)
6:00 start bedtime routine
6:45-7:00 P/S to sleep for about 20 minutes

He will wake up at 8:00pm but then put himself back to sleep and doesn't wake again until 5:00.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 19:48:23 pm by Jennie_Lee »

Offline becj86

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Re: help EASY with 8 mo. and P/S not working
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 01:07:58 am »
I can't quite tell when he's sleeping (I read that he's feeding to sleep at 9am), but a general note on shush/pat is that ~5-6 months it becomes too stimulating and doesn't necessarily work after that. Put down (PUPD for babies who get up) may be the way to go... someone more knowledgeable will probably come along and clarify that.
On the 40min naps - that could be a sign of undertiredness, hence the fight to get him to go to sleep followed by a short nap. He'd also probably be overtired by bed time with only two short naps and 4hr A time to bed - the wake at 8pm is probably a symptom of the overtiredness at bedtime too.

I'd try overhauling the EASY routine to be honest, to something more like this:
5am wake - feed him a small amount (~2 or 3oz) and get him to sleep til 7
7am wake - feed 6oz bottle
7:30/8am - breakfast
10 - sleep
11:30/12 - 6oz bottle
lunch with you ~12:30
2:30 - sleep
4 - 6oz bottle
5:30 - dinner
bed ~7/7:15