Heya! Zac dropped to 1 nap finally abut 11.5months, but before this he was hit and miss with the CN and I was using it every few days to keep cumulated OT at bay along with EBT.
Zac also tagged on lost sleep at night time, so EBT worked well if we had a rough day where Z's nap was short but he refused the CN.
We also started the 2-1 around 9.5months and took a good 2 months to get there. I tried to hold on to the CN till 12 months, but we just had refusals every nap time no matter what I did (ie car rides/buggy/APOP
) SO we made the jump after 1 week of CN refusals and EBT. He is now 12 1/2 months and other than the odd bad day with teething etc he is a lot happier and sleeping better at night and for naps.
What do your LOs days look like now?